THE Urban Spirit Foundation - Envisioning A Brighter Future For ALL YOUNG PEOPLE!
1 Million Scholarship DriveEnrich A Life While Enriching Yours! Support The Urban Spirit Foundation’s 1 Million Scholarship Drive. Donate today to empower deserving individuals and communities, fostering transformation and growth. Join us in envisioning a better future by making a lasting difference.
Getting InvolveD…
Every Course Purchased Creates One
“37 Skills”, “Complete Martial Artist,” Or “Warrior’s Mindset” Scholarship To Enrich The Life Of An Underprivileged Youth!
Our Mission
The Urban Spirit Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is a Maryland-based community outreach program built on the Complete Martial Artist concept of mind, body, and spirit to empower at-risk youth, teenagers, families, and communities with mentoring and general programs focused on behavioral development, veterans services, returning citizens, and awareness training: street safety, disability, sexual assault prevention, anti-bullying, criminal, gun violence, and substance addiction through coaching, entrepreneurship mentoring, and public speaking.
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Here’s How You can Make A Difference
It’s easy to help change someone’s life for the better. Simply purchase a course, and we will provide a free course and empowerment training to an at-risk-youth or promising young person in need of personal growth and mentorship.

Our vision is to strengthen individuals and our communities through personal empowerment from the inside out. Based on the 37 Life Lessons, The Warrior Mindset: 12 Principles, Five Pillars of Success, and the 8 Points of the Dragon Star. With decades of proven results, accountable leadership for positive change is the desired outcome and our primary goal.

I will strive to develop myself in a positive manner; avoiding anything that reduces my physical mental and spiritual growth.
I will strive to develop self-discipline, in order to bring out the best in myself and others.
I will use what I learn in Wushudo in a humble state of consciousness, respecting the laws of mankind and living by the laws of the Universal Creator.


The Urban Spirit and Complete Martial Artist philosophies have transformed the lives of Willie “The BAM” Johnson, his family, and mass numbers of people around the world.
Since 1989 when my inner purpose and passion were revealed to me from the inside out, I committed myself to doing God’s work. Influenced by the urban culture of creative expression fused with the time-tested martial arts principles of discipline, honesty, honor, integrity, and awareness, I developed a set of principles that I call the Complete Martial Artist. This is the root of the Urban Spirit Foundation, a 501C nonprofit organization.
We use curriculum-based sports programs and coaching (developed over four decades) that focus on training youth ages 3 ½ – 12 to become tournament leaders and youth ages 13 – 17 to become tournament coaches and mentors while giving parents the tools needed to strengthen and enrich their families.
Our passion is to bring about profitable change by working to rebuild our “villages” for the safety and positive growth of our pre-teens and teens and to give them options, proven know-how and a vision for a better future.
Sports professionals have described the Kids Point MMA 37 Skills curriculum as the flag football of martial arts, fitness development, and as much needed, wholesome competition. The 37 skills represent empathy, peace, respect, and harmony from the inside out. It is the fulfillment of a mind, body, and spirit quest of a champion.
By taking advantage of in-person and online training, our programs are flexible and mobile, making it possible to learn, and compete safely from anywhere: parks, churches, schools, gyms, the dojo, and even from home. We believe that all the discipline, comraderie and structure that comes to life in the dojo also lives inside all of us and our programs are meant to bring out the best in everyone.
POINT MMA KRAZY ATHLETICS – Make positive change in your child’s life using these simple yet effective exercises! 5 minutes a day can burn the negative energy away! BONUS INCLUDED: Krazy Athletics Personal Progress Tracking Chart